12th Aotearoa New Zealand Organisational Psychology and Organisational Behaviour Conference

Friday 24th November 2023, University of Auckland

This conference aimed to bring together organisational psychology and organisational behaviour researchers and practitioners to discuss their research. Specifically, the goals were to understand each other’s research and foster a stronger community among researchers and practitioners in organisational psychology and organisational behaviour.

The 12th ANZOPOB conference was a success, boasting over 70 attendees and 30 presenters. The speakers at this conference included academic staff and postgraduate students from universities across the country, as well as applied practitioners sharing their work and experiences. A diverse range of topics across the occupational and organisational psychology field were discussed: from exploring occupational stressors and coping methods, to research on leadership and work design, to larger conversations about how to connect academia and practise.

Please find the programme for the conference, as well as the presentation slides from our talented speakers, below.

The Michael O’Driscoll Best Student Paper Award

The Michael O’Driscoll Best Student Paper Award is used to acknowledge and celebrate exceptional work by postgraduate students in the field of organisatonal and occupational psychology.

The 2023 winner of this award was Erika Clarry, with her paper: ‘The nonlinear relationship between job insecurity and job crafting: The mediating role of work engagement and the moderating role of work centrality.’

The second finalist was Josie Steyn, with her paper: ‘Exploring employee green behaviours in New Zealand organisations: A qualitative comparative case study.’


Contact Details

Please email Lixin Jiang if you have any questions (l.jiang@auckland.ac.nz).


This conference was sponsored by the School of Psychology and the Business School of the University of Auckland.

Organising Committee